Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Creative outlets for super busy me

I've been using this free program for all sorts of graduation-related stuff including N's grad PowerPoint, photo board, and announcements. (Also Facebook banners for personal and conference pages.) It's free and super easy to use and pretty darned versatile. My favorite part, though, is when I went to the save page and saw the quality options labeled as "Roger, Pierce, or Sean."

Red checked tablecloths with these cute pop bottles/vases on top turned into the decorations for N's grad party.  Hey, he likes pop (and was definitely responsible for emptying several of these), he likes the color red, and he likes the fact that I didn't ask his opinion about decorations in advance.  It was a win for everyone.

I could add "finishing the bathroom," "writing two new FF talks," and "organizing a conference" to the creative list as well, I guess.  Mostly, I'm just looking forward to being caught up on sleep, working with a lot less stress, and perhaps getting back to hand-sewing on Nick's quilt. 

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