Friday, July 12, 2013


We're well into summer, so iced coffee has been a topic for a while now.  I used to store it in a half-gallon pickle jar, but this looked a lot better from a pouring standpoint.  Unfortunately, I didn't think it was worth it to spend $16 on a jar, so I started looking around for a cheaper option.  (Someone must bottle apple juice in something like that, right?)  Anyway, enter an impromptu trip to Festival Foods where we happened to find unhomegenized milk in these wonderful half-gallon bottles!

Washable, with a decent plastic lid;  the milk was more than I'd normally pay, but it really was notably delicious and the bottle deposit was only $2!  Anyway, it's easy to fill and has a nice grippy hand-holder part so it's easy to pour.  AND it has kind of a nice vintage look and fits in my fridge door.

1 comment:

Jenny said...