Monday, November 5, 2007

Some Gems from the Weekend

"Oh, take me now!" ~V., with eyes raised to the heavens, upon walking into St. John Cantius

"Love the abuser, hate the abused. Er, abuse."

(to the tune of The Hokey-Pokey)"You put the English in, you take the Latin out/You put the English in, and you turn the priest about..."

"Welcome to the first meeting of the Notre Dame Finer Things Club."

"Hey, you guys! Wheelchairs are for the handicapped, and if you're going to play with them, I will have to make you thus!" ~B., pretending to be an R.A.

(phone conversation )"Yeah, you should totally come over here. We're hanging out, fighting with lotion, and B. just made himself an R.A. and broke up some troublemakers. Plus, we're sitting in a circle by the fireplace and we look really philosophical....Okay, see you in a minute."

"W., hand over the papers [taken from an SMC retreat binder]. You're harming your soul! And I'm about to harm your body!"


Margaret Mary said...

Fighting with lotion AND looking really philosophical? This wasn't a meeting of the Finer Things Club, was it?

Gianna said...

Actually, it was. I don't know that we ever actually got around to anything finer than sitting in armchairs by the fireplace looking philosophical, though.