Thursday, November 8, 2007

"the liturgy, even in the music, should educate all people -- including youth and children."

It'll seem like forever before something concrete filters down to the parish level, but at least more and more people are talking about the problem. (It's a start.)

Monsignor Miserachs contended that "in none of the areas touched on by Vatican II -- and practically all are included -- have there been greater deviations than in sacred music."

"How far we are from the true spirit of sacred music, that is, of true liturgical music," he lamented. "How can we stand it that such a wave of inconsistent, arrogant and ridiculous profanities have so easily gained a stamp of approval in our celebrations?

"It is a great error, Monsignor Miserachs said, to think that people "should find in the temple the same nonsense given to them outside," since "the liturgy, even in the music, should educate all people -- including youth and children."

For the rest of the article, follow this link.

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