Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday that feels like a Monday

I set my Monday alarm for 6:00 a.m.bright and early this morning, only to remember an hour later that it is Tuesday and perhaps it was time to get my butt out of bed.  Not exactly how I was planning to start my foray back into blessed routine after this weird, stressful summer.  Also, the office copier sounded like it was going to have a heart attack all day and even though I got holiday pay yesterday, it's so crazy-busy this month that I think I'd be better off using my limited hours solving actual work related problems.  Blerg.

Anyway, Nick was gracious enough to take a first day of school picture this evening and I'm posting them before they get lost in my not-yet-back-to-routine life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Gophers!