Wednesday, March 25, 2009

One morning in March

I had some free time this morning and was able to go to Mass and Rosedale before I had to pick up Nick. (So here's a brief, random photographic summary.)

When did Epiphany put those giant screens in? I don't remember seeing them before. It was like everything I don't like about sports bars (but with a crucifix). Very bad. I would take the most obnoxious tambourine Mass at St. Paul's before sitting through this one again.
Yes, Father had to turn around during Mass to sing what he didn't have memorized. This in no way counts as ad orientem.
We were told by the giant screens to sing "Come dance in the forest, come play in the field." This will not be on my iPod >:-(
Fortunately, the day perked up when I saw the cutest dress ever at White House, Black Market.
... and a guy repairing the elevator. Nick, you were wondering what it looks like under there. The guy I talked to said it's just a big conveyor.

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