Friday, November 16, 2007

There's a New Sheriff in Town

In this week's Archbishop's Column, coadjutor Archbishop Nienstedt writes in response to mail generated by the diocesan decision that a gay activist and her father (authors of a book) could not speak publicly at a local parish.

In his article we read "
those who promote homosexual activity or a homosexual lifestyle are not permitted to speak at Catholic institutions." "To do so would cause scandal, leading Catholics to be confused about what is right and wrong according to the teachings of the church..." "Those who actively encourage or promote homosexual acts or such activity within a homosexual lifestyle formally cooperate in a grave evil..."

"The USCCB statement 'Always Our Children' is not a normative teaching statement of the bishops ... the majority of bishops at the time of its publication, never had the opportunity to discuss or vote on that document ... What is considered normative would be last year's document adopted by the USCCB general assembly and entitled 'Ministry to Persons with a Homosexual Inclina­tion: Guidelines for Pastoral Care.'"

So what's the big deal? This is obviously a simple, clear presentation of the truth of the Church's teaching, just as it should be. The remarkable thing is where I read it! The Catholic Spirit has a reputation for its liberal slant and for cushy articles; a place where you may go to read movie reviews and discover where you can find the best prayer labyrinth. It's rare to see something there that deserves more than a cursory scan.

To the editors of the Spirit - more of the same, please! You have the potential to publish a great catechetical tool instead of the current 20 pages of biweekly chat. To Bishop Neinstedt - thank you for not worrying about political correctness at the expense of your flock, and for speaking the truth in love. We look forward to hearing more from you!

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