Friday, January 16, 2015

This Week's Update: January 16

  1. I literally laughed out loud when uploading the Catechist Training video from yesterday and getting a thumbnail view of the year.  Yes, this is what I was wearing the past three months.  Laurie and Marissa suggested I get a purple one for the upcoming Lenten season. ;-)
  2. After this posted on Monday, someone on our co-op chat loop sent out an email to anyone interested in trying it with our group.  Before committing to 40 of them (the target number), I thought I'd better try one to see if I was about to embarrass myself.  Using a woodburner and colored pencils, I created copied a pretty decent Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Guess I'm in.
  3. When I got to work on Thursday, I found this surprise from Lisa at Highlight Printing.  Besides a little bundle of perfect chocolates, there's an invitation for the Family Formation team to go to lunch the restaurant of our choice.  It's worth noting that all three choices are well out of our collective regular restaurant price ranges, so we're looking forward to a treat with Lisa soon!
  4. These guys who share a Baptism day week!
  5. I finally got the finishing touch on my office with this set of Sacred/Immaculate Heart prints.  I've had them pinned for about a year, so it was nice to finally find a place for them!
  6. Amusing, but only because this is the bathroom I do not typically use.  The two other adults who live here, both of whom are capable of manipulating a spring-loaded cylinder, are responsible for this room.  Yeah.


Jenni said...

I have to admit...I have a lot more toilet paper tubes on my bathroom counter right now. Strange what having your own bathroom can do to you.

Emily said...

So, would this be the wrong time to tell you that Peanut's baptism date is actually today?

Margaret Mary said...

Of course I'd want to know! I thought it was odd that we wouldn't have noticed the same day thing last year, but for some reason I have it recorded as the 14th.

Embroidering his baptismal cloth is on my short list now, so I'm really glad to get it right. :)

Happy Baptism Day, dear boy!

Margaret Mary said...
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