Saturday, October 18, 2014

Now all I need is a dress form ...

I'm always simultaneously attracted to and skeptical of Montessori methods. (It's so peaceful and orderly, but do real kids actually play that way without massive intervention from grown ups?  Also, all the Montessori-at-home blogs I've ever seen involve very small families - one, maybe two children tops.)  Anyway, it's indisputable that the materials are simply wonderful - beautiful, durable, practical - all so very attractive!

This is no exception and the directions are free online.  I can absolutely imagine Bean and Peanut and little Trailmix updating their little home altars with what Father will be wearing tomorrow. :)

Now all I need is a dress form that doesn't look like a Barbie doll.


Margaret Mary said...

Something like this could work:

Emily said...

Ikea has one that I think is probably a good price for the size: